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The tariff was approved by the City Council of Grândola on December 5th, 2019 and came into force on January 1, 2020.
2020 Tariff for Water Supply, Sanitation and Solid Waste Collection Services
Fees for Water Supply, Sanitation and Solid Waste Collection Services
The Municipal Assembly of 24 February 2017 approved the alteration of the tariff structure in force with the inclusion of special tariffs, namely the social tariff and for large families. They entered into force on 1 June.
Social tariffs are available to:
Domestic users who are in a situation of economic needs evidenced by the Social Security System, by allocating at least one of the following social benefits: Supplementary Solidarity for the Elderly; Social Integration Income; Social Subsidy of Unemployment; 1st Step of Family Allowance; Social Security Disability Pension.
Non-domestic users who are legal persons of manifest public utility.
The social tariff for domestic users consists of the exemption from the availability tariff. The social tariff for non-domestic users consists of the application of the availability and variable tariffs for domestic users.
The tariff for large families consists of widening the ranges of the variable tariff for each member of the household that exceeds the four elements in:
1st step in the ratio of 1 m3 for each household member that exceeds the four elements;
In the second and third step in 2 m3.
For the purposes of applying the tariff for large families, all household residents with tax domicile in the dwelling served are considered as members of the household.
In order to benefit from the application of the special tariff, users must submit to Infrastructure documents proving the situation that makes them eligible to benefit from it. The application of the special tariffs has a duration of one year, after which the above mentioned proof must be renewed.
You can do this through the following means:
E-mail to geral@infratroia.pt
Letter for Infratróia, EM | Rua da Aroeira, Tróia | 7570-789 Carvalhal GDL
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